
I decided that I'd better start making my blog be a bit more personal. As a result, I've noted more than what I normally do. Hopefully this will be a trend. You'll get to know more about me and my life as well as see my photography. Hope you enjoy!!!

So...Sunday I was busy taking pictures all afternoon. First I took several pictures with my siblings and then went to Eagle Mountain to take pictures of my wife's cousins family (for Christmas). I thought several of the pictures turned out way nice. Some of them I changed to black and white and I couldnt' decide which I liked best (some were taken in black and white). My wife and I are getting a puppy for christmas (she is way excited!!!) and I got a few pictures of the puppy as well. Lots going on!!! I'll try and note a few things as I go through them.

I'm not sure which of these pictures I like more (color or black and white). Since it was just such a hard decision I decided to put them both up. Isn't Charity adorable.

There were a bunch of other pictures that I took of Charity that I liked but I really liked this next picture, even though it is cut off. I guess its something about those eyes. She is sooo...adorable. Later that night, she curled up in my lap and layed there for nearly an hour while we chatted with her family.

Felicity is so cute. The hardest thing with taking pictures of her is that she has a "Chandler" smile (if your a "Friends" fan, then you'll know what I'm talking about). It can be tough to catch a picture with a great smile of her. She is so much fun though. The sad thing is she doesn't curl up in my arms like Charity does (but way fun anyway).

I caught Felicity off guard on this on and was able to catch her without her "Chandler" smile (although the smile above was a mix between smiles). I love this picture.

Of course...this is her being silly (like always). Sooo much fun!!!

CJ is very, very quiet...but also very inteligent. He usely doesn't laugh or smile a whole lot. At least, I rarely see it (I hear mostly when he is in his high chair) but...I was able to get a few pictures of him smiling and having fun. I love the pictures.

This is a typical baby...crawling on the floor. I loved the way this picture turned out as well. Captures a bit about who he is.

AWWWEEE!!!! Need I say more?

This was about as good as I could get. CJ was being a bit fussy at this point (doesn't take much with young children). I just wish they could have been a bit closer. Oh well, its still a nice picture of them.

And we would be missing the whole point of the trip if I didn't get a family picture. I caught them all smiling and all looking at the camera (almost :( oh well, it still turned out nice).

Earlier that day we went up into the canyons and took some pictures with my sisters and husbands. I'm on the left with my wife Alanna. Then my bro-in-law Mike (what a great name) and sister Laurie (they are both very photogenic - you'll see from a few pictures posted a bit later) Then my other sister Chrissy and her husband Tyler. It was cold and no-one wanted to take pictures. I wanted to stagger everyone near the river but this is what we ended up with. Oh well. It didn't turn out bad.

This is one of Alanna and I. She didn't really like any of them that we took of each other so we are going to go again on saturday to get more pictures. I am trying to get pictures for each month of the year as I want to give her a calender for Christmas next year with pictures of the family each month taken that month, the year before. (we'll see how well that works out). At least I'm thinking about it.

So here are a few of Laurie and Mike...I didn't post too many here but they turned out pretty good. They were the most willing to take pictures and it shows (I got some good shots of them).

Chrissy is pregnant...and as most women when they get farther along...their center of gravity changes. Trying to get Chrissy to walk down to this location to pose for the picture was a bit more of a feat that I figured it would be...silly me...I forget about the center of gravity changes. I guess I'll know now...especially since I just found out my wife is pregnant as well. Anyway...Chrissy thought I was trying to kill her (j/k). I thought the picture turned out really nice of the two of them.

Here's a few pics of our new puppy. We don't have her yet and won't until just before Christmas. She is just 4 weeks old (born Oct 26th) and was the runt of the litter. We chose her because she isn't quite as active as the other ones were. We want an active dog but too get the picture (it can cause problems). We decided to name her Bella (unless we come up with something different - if you think there is a better name, please let me know...I'm not sure if I like Bella yet). She's a Golden Retriever and we can't wait. It's my wife's Christmas present (including the getting up in mornings to let her out and housetrain her). I'm excited but also a bit worried, its gonna be a ton of work and I don't want to be lazy at all. I want her to be trained properly, otherwise I'll deal with the problems for the rest of my life.


Jen said…
What an adorable puppy! Okay... you have inspired me to do some Christmas pics... well- at least to consider doing Christmas pics. ;) I've been lazy and havent wanted to shoot lately...
Mike Ketcham said…
I'm glad I was able to inspire you to do pics. I hear ya on how sometimes it can be tough to find time. I've been super busy wiht homework these past few weeks (can't wait for school to be over). The sad thing is...I've wanted to go shoot, but haven't had time or known where I wanted to go. Any ideas?

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