My Little Niece - MaKenzie...oh so cute!!!

My sister is such a happy mother. Look at how cute the two of them are!!! Kenzie (my little niece) is soooo...adorable.

She was making a few faces at me. This was one of them. The other one was her sticking her tongue out at me.
She nearly fell asleep when we first placed her on the blanket. I love how the binkie fell from her mout and just laid on the blanket right next to her. such a cutie!!!
Here's that other face she made at me. She's got a bit of a personality and she is so young. I can't wait till we get to see more of it.
And...of course I took this picture while we were hanging out in the basement at Tyler and Chrissy's place. Alanna hates her picture being taken (must be difficult being married to me) but she let me. She is so cute and I love her sooo much!!!


Laurie said…
Um. Mikey, you spelled her name wrong it is Makenzie or Kenzie not McKenzie. NO C!:) should fix it :P
Mike Ketcham said…
Yeah...Chrissy already got mad at me for that one...ooops. You think I'd know by now. Oh well.

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